Notepad++ keyboard shortcuts

more details here



File Menu

Ctrl + O

Open the File

Ctrl + N

New File

Ctrl + S

Save File

Ctrl + Alt + S

Save As

Ctrl + Shift + S

Save All

Ctrl + P

Print the File

Alt + F4

Exit the File

Ctrl + Tab

Open the next Document

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Open the previous Document

Ctrl + W

Close current Document

Ctrl + Numpad

Navigate to the n-th Document

Edit Menu

Ctrl + C


Ctrl + Insert


Ctrl + Shift + T

Copy the current line to the clipboard

Ctrl + X


Shift + Delete


Ctrl + V


Shift + Insert


Ctrl + Z


Alt + Backspace


Ctrl + Y


Ctrl + A

Select All

Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys

Column Mode Select

Ctrl + Left Mouse Click

Start the new selected area


Column Editor

Column Editor


provides a way to insert line numbers. Options exist to choose the starting number, interval, and how often each number should be repeated. Place the cursor on the first position of the first line and increment by one to mimic the actual line numbers.

Ctrl + D

Duplicate the Current Line

Ctrl + T

Switch the current line position with the previous line position

Ctrl + Shift + Up

Move the Current Line

Ctrl + Shift + Down

Move the Current Line

Ctrl + Left Mouse Click

Delete the Current Line

Ctrl + I

Split Lines

Ctrl + J

Join Lines

Ctrl + G

Launch the GoToLine Dialog

Ctrl + Q

Single line comment

Ctrl + Shift + Q

Single line uncomment

Ctrl + K

Toggle the single line comment

Ctrl + Shift + K

Block comment


Insert indent

Shift + Tab

Insert outdent

Ctrl + Backspace

Delete to the start of the word

Ctrl + Delete

Delete to the end of the word

Ctrl + Shift + Backspace

Delete to the start of the line

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Delete to the end of the line

Ctrl + U

Convert to lower case

Ctrl + Shift + U

Convert to upper case

Ctrl + B

Go to matching brace

Ctrl + Space

Launch the CallTip ListBox

Ctrl + Shift + Space

Launch the Function Completion ListBox

Ctrl + Alt + Space

Launch the Path Completion ListBox

Ctrl + Enter

Launch the Word Completion ListBox

Ctrl + Alt + R

Text Direction RTL

Ctrl + Alt + L

Text Direction LTR


Split the line downwards

Shift + Enter

Split the line downwards

Ctrl + Alt + Enter

Insert new unindented line above the current one

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Enter

Insert new unindented line below the current one

Search Menu

Ctrl + F

Launch Find Dialog

Ctrl + H

Launch Find/Replace Dialog


Find Next

Shift + F3

Find Previous

Ctrl + Shift + F3

Find in Files


Switch to the Search Results window

Ctrl + Alt + F3

Find (volatile) Next

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F3

Find (volatile) Previous

Ctrl + F3

Select and Find Next

Ctrl + Shift + F3

Select and Find Previous


Got to next found

Shift + F4

Go to previous found

Ctrl + Shift + I

Incremental Search

Ctrl + N

Jump Down

Ctrl + Shift + N

Jump Up

Ctrl + F2

Toggle Bookmark


Go to the Next Bookmark

Shift + F2

Go to the Previous Bookmark

Ctrl + B

Go to the Matching Brace

Ctrl + Alt + B

Select All between the Matching Braces

Macro Menu

Ctrl + Shift + R

Start to record / Stop recording the macro

Ctrl + Shift + P

Play the recorded macro

Alt + Shift + S

Trim Trailing and Save

Run Menu


Launch Run Dialog

Alt + F1

Get PHP help

Alt + F2

Google search

Alt + F3

Wikipedia search

Alt + F5

Open file

Alt + F6

Open file in another instance

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R

Open in Chrome

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + X

Open in Firefox

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I

Open in IE

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F

Open in Safari

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + O

Send via Outlook

Incremental Search


Next match

Shift + Enter

Previous match

View Menu

Ctrl + (Keypad-/Keypad+)

Zoom in and zoom out

Ctrl + Keypad/

Restore the original size


Toggle full screen


Toggle Post-It mode

Ctrl + Alt + F

Collapse the current level

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F

Uncollapse the current level

Alt + 0

Fold all

Alt + (1~8)

Collapse the level (1~8)

Alt + Shift + 0

Unfold all

Alt + Shift + (1~8)

Uncollapse the level (1~8)