Our Internship Plan Workflow Phase 1 Markdown Doxygen Intro, Basics , Commonly Used Tags Documentation From Scratch File Snapshots UML Flow Chart OOP MVC Structure(Life cycles, Hooks etc) Bussiness Analysis & Project Plan Preparation. Further Phases For Web Based Applcations Phase 2 DBMS(MYSQL) HTML JS CSS Browser Development Tools Phase 3 IDEs(NotePad++, VS Code, PHP…
Category: Standardized Coding
Setting up Doxygen Basic Tags mainpage tag The main page of a Doxygen documentation is specified using the \mainpage tag. This tag should be placed at the top of the file and should be followed by a brief description of the project. For example: /** * \mainpage My Project * * This is the main…
CASE Tools Case tools (Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools) are software applications that assist in the software development process. They provide a range of features and functions that can help developers and project managers to design, implement, test, and maintain software systems. Some examples of CASE tools include: Requirements Management Tools: These tools help in capturing,…
Brief of S/w project phases In briefest explanation involves 5 phases. see diagram Inititation Planning Execution Monitoring Closure Details Software product development Planning typically involves 3 phases: Planning: This phase involves identifying the problem or opportunity that the software will address, gathering requirements, and creating a project plan. Analysis: During this phase, the requirements are…
Code Documentation from scratch Try to follow this Workflow mentioned in this page Standard Documentation Try to draw relevant UML diagrams using puml tutorials,PUML Online Server, Building Blocks, hariyom.com drive Ensure Standardized Coding Try to cover as many titles and sub titles in http://www.outsource-online.net/blog/2022/07/02/developing-wordpress-plugin/ create flow chart with http://flowchart.js.org/ git URL check doxygen tips at…
References reference for tags Video Reference Good Table of Contents Reference Basic Documentation Files Generated Documentation Commonly Used Tags PHP Paginator project with Doxygen Documentation git Documentation Install Download You have to enter email and password, download link will be mailed Start Tripple slashes & a lesstan symbol ///< is single line comment for doxygen…
reference for tags Video Reference Source code Sample Code Install Node JS must be installed first. Download Node JS Global Install npm install -g jsdoc Local Install npm install –save-dev jsdoc Basic Intro Using VSCode Before a function. Just start with /** and press enter. Vscode will create a comment block skelton. eg: /** *…
While GUI tools like Tortoise git makes it easier to use git, it is good to get familiar with shell commands of git A good reference is Git Basics Create a new Git in current folder git init git add . git commit -m "First commit comment" git add *.php could be used, if you…
PHPMD – PHP Mess Detector Git tutorial composer global require "phpmd/phpmd=@stable" ./vendor/bin/phpmd "./vendor/bin/phpmd" "E:/projects/PMUtilities/workflowChart/krithikumarWorkFlowChart/dynamic4Doxygen" html “./vendor/bin/phpmd” ./ html unusedcode –reportfile phpmd.html –exclude vendor,doxyComments if installation is global phpmd classWorkFlow.php html unusedcode –reportfile phpmd.html –exclude vendor,doxyComments phpmd ./ html unusedcode –reportfile phpmd.html –exclude vendor,doxyComments
PHP_CodeSniffer for PSR 12 full usage composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*" phpcs /path/to/code/myfile.php “./vendor/bin/phpcs” classWorkFlow.php –report=summary –report-summary=phpcs.txt “./vendor/bin/phpcs” classWorkFlow.php –report=full –report-full=phpcsPSR12.txt –standard=PSR12 “./vendor/bin/phpcbf” classWorkFlow.php –report=diff -vv –standard=PSR12 “./vendor/bin/phpcs” classWorkFlow.php –report=full –report-full=phpcs.txt if installation is global phpcs classWorkFlow.php –report=full –report-full=phpcs.txt –standard=PSR12 ### To fix automatically use ‘phpcbf’ phpcbf classWorkFlow.php –report=diff -vv –standard=PSR12 $ phpcs /path/to/code-directory $ phpcs…