Solving common Issues with ffmpeg

Solving common Issues with ffmpeg

Painfully slow file operations on ogg and opus files


  1. Whatsapp recorded files is saved as .ogg
  2. When downloaded to windows, it slows windows explorer
  3. Solution is
    1. Open Cmd
    2. go to downloads folder (C:\Users\user\Downloads)
    3. convert it to mp3 via ffmpeg
    4. delete original ogg file

      cd downloads 
      ffmpeg -i What.ogg whatIsPsychology.mp3
      del What.ogg

Doing in batch (convertAllOgg2Mp3.bat)

@echo off
rem if run directly in cmd
rem FOR %f IN (./*.ogg) do ffmpeg -i "%f" "%f.mp3" -y
rem OR
rem if used in Batch(escape '%' ccharacter with an additional '%')
FOR %%f IN (./*.ogg) do ffmpeg -i "%%f" "%%f.mp3" -y
del *.ogg

and call it
