Solving common Issues with ffmpeg
Painfully slow file operations on ogg and opus files
- Whatsapp recorded files is saved as
- When downloaded to windows, it slows windows explorer
- Solution is
- Open Cmd
- go to downloads folder (C:\Users\user\Downloads)
- convert it to mp3 via ffmpeg
- delete original ogg file
eg:cd downloads ffmpeg -i What.ogg whatIsPsychology.mp3 del What.ogg
Doing in batch (convertAllOgg2Mp3.bat)
@echo off
rem if run directly in cmd
rem FOR %f IN (./*.ogg) do ffmpeg -i "%f" "%f.mp3" -y
rem OR
rem if used in Batch(escape '%' ccharacter with an additional '%')
FOR %%f IN (./*.ogg) do ffmpeg -i "%%f" "%%f.mp3" -y
del *.ogg
and call it